Beep! Beep, beep, beep! What was that? Is it the washing machine? The dryer? Dishwasher? They all sound the same. Wait a second. Ah, yes, it’s the washing machine. The dishwasher beeps once. The dryer repeats every 10 minutes for half an hour and then …
Read MoreTo Do List
It’s 11:00 am and I’m feeling like I’m falling behind already. Except, that when I wrote it down, it didn’t look so bad. Can’t shake the feeling, though. The ADHD filter through which I view my life and its accomplishments sometimes lies to me. So, …
Read MoreFun With ADHD
I’ve been looking for my other set of summer bedclothes for weeks. Weeks! I have been washing the one set and putting them back on the bed. I usually switch for a little variety. But, I could not find the second set. The purple set. …
Read MoreOde to a Fitness Ball
I like multipurpose things. Combo printer/scanner/photocopier. Swiss army knives. Husbands who can cook and knit and do plumbing and electrical work. In my office/guest room/writing room (another multipurpose thing) I have one of those gymnastics/fitness balls that you can sit on. My massage therapist suggested …
Read MoreThings My Hubby and I Talk About
Every morning my husband and I walk the dog. We chat during the walk. Today we talked about words people say wrong and words people use incorrectly. We lead very exciting lives. He reads on TikTok every evening. Mostly fantasy novels. His TikTok handle is …
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